
I wrote two thirds of a blog I was practically convinced I’d finished and posted. I write my drafts in Evernote then flip them over to WordPress, so I did have a check, doubting memory and physical evidence all at once, and no...I hadn’t finished that blog. Or posted it. I mean, I remember why …

#005: Hindsight

I do believe the end of "Concern 101" was about a week ago now. It’s mildly unnerving how easily you slip back into old routines once they’re reinstated; after only one day back at work, I was back into the rhythm of work. The things that I had decided I might try and change about …

Concern 105: Write

So that's five days in a row. I know I’m hardly writing literature here, but I like to think there’s some kind of ad-hoc structure about these daily blogs. They are certainly helping me focus; they’re giving me something to base my days around. Alongside the HIIT, weights and going for a walk every day, there’s …

This Is My Life, I Have To Defend It

In which it all gets a bit reflective, but not in a Year In Review sort of a way. Meanwhile, the seasons come in for some terse scrutiny, proceedings are halted for a moment whilst coffee is hunted down and caught and the joys of a Retail Christmas Special prove elusive.

Oh, Blerg

In which finding motivation is unnecessarily involved and complicated. Meanwhile, things are left annoyingly unsaid and the word "vlog" is used way too often. Finding motivation is a big problem for me. Well, not so much finding motivation alone as making the distinction between where to put your motivation…gunning ahead pursuing good ideas or ending …